One of the biggest shockers from Fast X was the discovery that Gisele (Gal Gadot) is alive. Her appearance was momentary, although it set a new precedent for the Fast and Furious universe. Simply put—characters can resurrect. Not everyone can come back, but those who've died ambiguously or received fiery death scenes have potential.
As for Gisele, the answer as to how is the most intriguing. Gisele's fall onto the tarmac presumably shredded her, so it must have required some advanced medical procedure to revive her. She didn't appear scarred either, which means it was a flawless procedure. Or, maybe the answer is more complicated.
There's another possibility that the person spotted in Fast X's closing moments wasn't Gisele. The character could be a twin or relative who shares similarities with the dead Fast Five star. Storywriters have used less creative explanations in past movies, meaning it wouldn't be unheard of. Of course, a few minute details point to a more grounded reason for Gisele's return.

After the Agency captured Letty (Michelle Rodriguez), they transported her to an Antarctic black site for medical help. There, Agency doctors used a sophisticated machine to repair a deep wound in Letty's shoulder. Its effect was nearly instantaneous and left little scar tissue, proving how advanced the device is. They also patched Cypher up after receiving a seemingly grievous wound, so life-saving tech doesn't feel like that far of a reach.
Knowing that doctors and scientists can heal near-fatal wounds and repair soft tissue damage in the Fast and Furious universe, there's reason enough to believe they treated Gisele, too. Audiences never witnessed the extent of her injuries either, making it possible that the Agency picked up Gisele's body. No one looked for her, and the way Han (Sung Kang) stared at the flaming wreckage after the showdown with Owen Shaw (Luke Evans) suggests they believe her body got incinerated. Such a scenario would explain how Gisele's back.
Whatever the explanation, the next—and possibly final—Fast and Furious movie will clarify how Gisele returns to the fold. On top of that, the medical procedure used may come in handy once again.
For those who don't recall, Aimes (Alan Ritchson) shot down the plane carrying Roman, Tej, Ramses, and Han during the movie's final moments. It appeared as if they died in a fiery explosion, but if the writers are opening the door for full-on resurrections, that would retcon their deaths altogether. Some fans may see the turnaround as a copout. Of course, the story can't end without the family back together.
Fast X: Part Two's release date is still TBA.