Superman 2025: The ensemble cast is equally as important, here's why

While Superman 2025 is establishing the Man of Steel as his own hero, he's not the only one in the film. Several noteworthy characters alongside him will also lay the groundwork for their futures in the DC Cinematic Universe.
Superman | Official Teaser Trailer
Superman | Official Teaser Trailer | DC

Part of the excitement surrounding Superman (2025) is the introduction of many interesting characters to join Supes in his first outing since being rebooted.  We have the usual characters of Jonathan and Martha Kent, Perry White, Jimmy Olsen, and of course, Lois Lane and the titular baddie, Lex Luther. But what’s unique to this incarnation of Superman is the addition of several other characters that haven't made big screen appearances yet.

Among them is Hawkgirl, portrayed by Isabela Merced. Hawkgirl uses swords, spears, and maces as her weapons of choice, and apparently Merced’s shorter stature will make her more unique among comic heroes. In any case, another female hero will be a welcome addition to this otherwise male-dominated team of crimefighters.  

There is also the inclusion of Mister Terrific, aka Michael Holt, who will be played by Edi Gathegi. Holt is described as an incredible inventor whose true superpower is perhaps his "otherworldly" intellect. It seems like every superhero team must include one member whose true abilities lay in his or her mind, and Holt seems to be exactly that token player this time around.  

Then, there's the more well-known Green Lantern, aka Guy Gardner, played by Nathan Fillion. He is, however, “not necessarily the Green Lantern” of comic book lore, but “a Green Lantern” who will likely be reminiscent of previous Green Lantern incarnations.  It’s interesting when different versions of superheroes are portrayed, so this vision of Green Lantern will be a fun one.

Maybe the most interesting is the addition of Rex Mason, aka Metamorpho, portrayed by Anthony Carrigan. Metamorpho, created in 1965, is a former archaeologist who now devotes his time to his superhero abilities. Imagine if Indiana Jones became a superhero rather than pursuing archaeological artifacts, and that is Metamorpho.  Who are we most excited to see? Definitely Hawkgirl and Metamorpho—a female hero and a former archaeologist will certainly grace the screen.

Why is the addition of all of these characters so unique to Superman 2025?  Earlier movies about Supes typically show him working alone, ignoring the stories of other superheroes.  Perhaps the closest we’ve gotten to this is 2016’s Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, showing Ben Affleck’s Bruce Wayne/Batman go up against Henry Cavill’s Superman. No other film adaptation of Superman has shown the addition of so many superheroes:  one can conclude that this incarnation of man in the cape is inspired by films series such as The Avengers or Justice League, where countless heroes work together for a common cause. The con of this of course is that too many characters can make a film feel crowded, but we’ll ignore these concerns and look forward to all of them when Superman 2025 hits theaters.

Superman 2025 opens in theaters on July 11, 2025.