The Batman 2 given an unfortunate update

The sequel to Matt Reeves' The Batman has been highly anticipated. Fans appreciated his take on the Caped Crusader more than expected, so the next chapter is of great interest. Sadly, recent news points to a problem with The Batman 2.
Zoë Kravitz and Robert Pattinson in The Batman.
Zoë Kravitz and Robert Pattinson in The Batman.

Delays aren't always telling of the future, but in some cases, they're unmistakable precursors to movies getting shelved. That appears to be true of The Batman 2 with WB's latest update.

Matt Reeves' sequel to his 2022 movie of the same name is reportedly getting an ugly push. The Batman 2 is moving from its 2026 date to a year later. Three hundred sixty-five days, give or take, doesn't make much difference. Of course, a hiatus of five years places The Batman 2 under a distinct lens.

Most movies, especially superhero films, can remain relevant while directors and writers work on future installments. In The Batman's case, though, it's a standalone. Fans are less invested in single features versus franchises held together by continuity. Long hiatuses make it nearly impossible to follow along, too.

ROBERT PATTINSON as Batman in Warner Bros. Pictures’ action adventure “THE BATMAN,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release. Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures/ ™ & © DC Comics. Pictures release. © 2021 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Additionally, Reeves' upcoming sequel lacks many ties to the first movie. Barry Keoghan's Joker won't receive any more screentime, Paul Dano's Riddler has done his worst and lost, and Catwoman (Zoe Kravitz) made her way to Bludhaven following the events in Gotham. With all that in mind, the story doesn't have a definitive direction, and hardly anyone would ask questions if the project got shelved. It's not even a part of the DC Cinematic Universe.

With all that noted, Warner Bros. might rethink its plans for The Batman. There's not much at stake with the film, and it isn't in pre-production either. As such, the studio can utilize Batman elsewhere if Matt Reeves' follow-up film can't get off the ground.

Alternate Avenues

(L-R) EZRA MILLER as The Flash, MICHAEL KEATON as Batman and EZRA MILLER as The Flash in Warner Bros. Pictures’ action adventure “THE FLASH,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release. Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures/™ & © DC Comics. © 2023 Warner Bros. Ent. All Rights Reserved. TM & © DC

Without an established Caped Crusader in the DCEU, this is the ideal opportunity to introduce a new one. To recap, George Clooney isn't returning to play the prime version of Bruce Wayne, Ben Affleck hasn't expressed interest in another movie, and Michael Keaton received the perfect end with his noble sacrifice in The Flash.

Since they're all out of contention, the DC universe needs another Dark Knight. Superman 2025 makes Clark Kent's world more connected to all humanity, meaning that it wouldn't be unheard of for him to speak with Batman during the movie's slower bits. Several ancillary heroes will also appear in the upcoming flick, and Bruce Wayne's alter-ego could be among them. The superhero list includes Green Lantern (Nathan Fillion), Hawkgirl (Isabela Merced), and Mister Terrific (Edi Gathegi).

Whether a version of Batman appears in the upcoming flick or not, James Gunn's revamped universe isn't going to neglect him. The GOTG director wouldn't establish a team of heroes, Lex Luthor, Metamorpho, and Supergirl, but leave out the Dark Knight. Plus, he's one of the biggest sellers for Warner Bros. The studio won't pass up on an opportunity to make a profit when past incarnations have proven that this comic book hero brings in the big bucks.

The Batman 2 is slated for release on October 2, 2027.