Jaume Collet-Serra, the director of Black Adam, Jungle Cruise, and The Shallows, brings his latest turn in the action world on Netflix called Carry On. Many have called it Die Hard inside an airport. The biggest question is whether the film is worth checking out on the streaming platform. A star-studded affair is a compelling thriller that ramps up the anxiety.
Carry On follows a young airline security guard who is blackmailed by a mysterious passenger who attempts to smuggle a dangerous package on a plane on Christmas Eve. The film stars Taron Egerton, Jason Bateman, Danielle Deadwyler, and Theo Rossi.

What an absolute gem of a film this turned out to be. Jaume Collet-Serra has an incredible vision for blending action and thriller elements of movies. However, I have to give the flowers to screenwriter T.J. Fixman for giving Collet-Serra a fine-tuned script to bring to life. Fixman balances comedy, action, and an anxiety-induced thriller that only improves as the movie progresses.
It all starts with our villain, named "Traveler" on IMDb, played by Jason Bateman. If you look at his career, Bateman has incredible range, and with Carry On, we can add a witty, sarcastic killer to his resume. Throughout the film, you hear much of Bateman's voice in Ethan Kopek's (Egerton) ear, and he is able to instill the fear that you need from this type of villain. Bateman is brilliant throughout this movie.
Taron Egerton plays Kopek, who ends up being the pawn Bateman needed to accomplish his goal. It was almost the perfect role for Egerton because he has the appearance of a regular guy but is also a convincing badass when needed. Egerton was great in this. As for the rest of the cast, Theo Rossi is a delight whenever he appears in a movie. And my goodness, Danielle Deadwyler in a role like we've never seen her before, I loved her and hope we see her explore more parts like this.
Overall, Carry On is the perfect little streaming movie that is easy to watch. I found myself looking for something to watch on a Saturday night, and I flipped this on, and it did not disappoint. A well-balanced script with an excellent villain performance from Jason Bateman makes this one of my favorite Netflix original movies this year. Also, I would LOVE a sequel, so keep pumping up the numbers so Netflix makes it happen.
Carry On is streaming on Netflix.