Scream 7: What does the cast list reveal about the plot

The Scream 7 cast additions are pointing to one of the biggest events in the franchise's history. Here's what they tell us about the plot.

L-r, Hayden Panettiere (“Kirby Reed”), Jasmin Savoy Brown (“Mindy Meeks-Martin”), Jack Champion (“Ethan Landry“), Melissa Barrera (“Sam Carpenter”), Jenna Ortega (“Tara Carpenter”), Mason Gooding (“Chad Meeks-Martin”) and Courteney Cox (“Gale Weathers”) star in Paramount Pictures and Spyglass Media Group's "Scream VI."
L-r, Hayden Panettiere (“Kirby Reed”), Jasmin Savoy Brown (“Mindy Meeks-Martin”), Jack Champion (“Ethan Landry“), Melissa Barrera (“Sam Carpenter”), Jenna Ortega (“Tara Carpenter”), Mason Gooding (“Chad Meeks-Martin”) and Courteney Cox (“Gale Weathers”) star in Paramount Pictures and Spyglass Media Group's "Scream VI."

With the latest cast additions announced, it appears that Scream 7 is bringing the narrative back to its beginnings, specifically with Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell). The castings include Isabel May as Sidney's daughter, Scott McHale as her husband, Mark Evans, and Scott Foley playing her half-brother, Roman Bridger. The latter died in the third film, raising questions about how Roman fits in the picture.

Scream 7's surprises don't end there, though. Matthew Lillard is also reprising his role as Stu Macher. The original Ghostface killer seemingly perished in the first movie, but perhaps fan theories about his survival were correct. Fans wondered if Stu could've survived having a television dropped on him. And after so many serial killers walked away from near-fatal injuries in future Scream movies, they've lent credence to the rumors that Macher survived.

On the other hand, the former cast returns could point to hallucinations or flashback sequences. Sam Carpenter (Melissa Barrera) would see vivid images of Billy Loomis (Skeet Ulrich) in her reflections, so who's to say Sidney won't begin seeing the faces of killers everywhere she goes? Having Sidney face a psychological torture this time around would be par for the course. She's confronted killers on the physical front, proving that she's not a victim. However, accepting how her fears left their mark on her is another story.

Scream VI
Melissa Barrera (“Sam Carpenter”) stars in Paramount Pictures and Spyglass Media Group's "Scream VI."

While Ms. Prescott puts on a strong front that she can back up, her past must've transformed her. Fans will recall how secure Sidney's first property was following her move from Woodsboro, verging on paranoid. A security system is virtually standard, but the amount of precautions pointed to a constant fear plaguing Sidney.

The situation could be the same come time for Scream 7. Or, maybe things have taken a turn for the worse. None of the details released thus far point to a negative turning point for the Prescotts, especially now that Sidney has a family, but victims who've dealt with trauma—healed or not—can wind up triggered. Maybe news of another copycat killer sends Sidney into a spiral, causing memories of Billy, Stu, Roman, and all the others to resurface. Such a scenario would add context to how two seemingly dead characters return for the seventh installment in the series.

Guesses aside, Scream 7 will be the most pivotal chapter in the franchise yet. The return of three alums proves so, and if Sidney somehow dies in this movie, it'll be all horror fans talk about for years to come.

Scream 7 is scheduled for release on February 27, 2026.